Friday, April 26, 2024

شركة إل جي إلكترونيكس في الشرق الأوسط وإفريقيا تتخذ الابتكار نهجاً لها في مجموعة الترفيه المنزلي الجديدة

 أبوظبي، الامارات العربية المتحدة - الخميس, ٢٥. أبريل ٢٠٢٤ أيتوس واير

عرض مجموعة المنتجات الجديدة خلال حدث إل جي لمنطقة الشرق الأوسط وإفريقيا 2024 في أبوظبي


استضافت شركة إل جي إلكترونيكس الرائدة عالمياً في مجال الإلكترونيات الاستهلاكية مؤخراً معرض "إل جي" لمنطقة الشرق الأوسط وإفريقيا 2024 في فندق كونراد بأبوظبي تحت شعار العلامة التجارية "نعيد الابتكار معاً". وشهد هذا الحدث، الذي ركّز على عرض أحدث الابتكارات وبناء العلاقات الوثيقة مع أصحاب الأسهم، حضوراً واسعاً لأكثر من 500 ضيف تمكن كل منهم من تجربة كل منتج بشكل مباشر.

وتمحور التركيز خلال المعرض على مجموعة منتجات الترفيه المنزلي من "إل جي"، والتي ضمت التلفزيونات ومنتجات الصوت والألعاب الإلكترونية.

قال السيد إيل هوان لي، الرئيس التنفيذي لشركة إل جي في منطقة الشرق الأوسط وإفريقيا تعليقاً على هذا الحدث: "نصمم كل منتج بهدف تحسين الحياة اليومية لعملائنا. ويُعد حدث إل جي لمنطقة الشرق الأوسط وإفريقيا 2024 بمثابة شهادة على هذا الالتزام، حيث نعرض منتجاتنا الرائدة. وصُمم كل من منتجات الترفيه المنزلي هذه بطريقة مبتكرة وعملية تراعي متطلبات العملاء، وهو ما يتماشى مع هدفنا المتمثل في بناء حياة أفضل من خلال الارتقاء بتجربة الترفيه والديكور الداخلي لمنازل الجميع".

جلبت "إل جي" خلال هذا الحدث إلى المنطقة أحدث ابتكاراتها في تقنيات OLED، والتي شملت تلفزيون LG SIGNATURE OLED M الرائد مقاس 97 بوصة، وهو أول تلفزيون استهلاكي في العالم مزود بتقنية Zero Connect التي تتيح نقل ملفات الفيديو والصوت بدقة 4K لاسلكياً بمعدل 120 هرتز. وتعمل هذه الميزة الفريدة على حل مشكلة تداخل الكابلات وتوفر مساحة مرتبة من خلال وصل جميع الأجهزة بصندوق Zero Connect ووضعها بعيداً عن التلفزيون.

كما عُرضت شاشة StanbyME Go المبتكرة من "إل جي"، وهي شاشة ذكية مزودة بتقنية FHD ومقاس 27 بوصة، وتمتلك حقيبة ذات تصميم فريد، تتيح للمستخدمين استخدامها بسهولة أثناء التنقل. وتضع هذه الشاشة سهولة التنقل في أولوياتها عبر تصميمها الفريد وبطاريتها المدمجة التي تدوم لمدة تصل إلى ثلاث ساعات. وتأتي مزودة بخيارات اتصال متنوعة مثل عكس المحتوى لاسلكياً والاتصال على المدى القريب NFC، والتي يمكن تفعيلها بنقرة بسيطة. ويمكن تدوير الشاشة أيضاً، مما يتيح للمستخدمين اختيار الوضع الرأسي أو الأفقي. وبالإضافة إلى خيارات البث، تُعد هذه الشاشة مثالية للاستماع إلى الموسيقى بفضل قرصها الدوار أو للعب الشطرنج عبر لعبة الشطرنج المثبتة مسبقاً. ويستطيع العملاء التحكم بالشاشة من خلال الأوامر الصوتية حتى من مسافة بعيدة. ويعد تصميم StanByME Go الفريد ذو المتانة المعززة ميزة إضافية تحافظ على أمن الشاشة وسلامتها من الصدمات وتقلبات درجات الحرارة والضغط المنخفض والغبار والضباب الملحي والاهتزازات.

كما عرضت "إل جي" خلال الحدث نظام تشغيل LG webOS الجديد والذي يوفر شاشة رئيسية محدّثة بالكامل مع عناوين أوضح وأيقونات أكثر سلاسة للفئات المختلفة مثل الألعاب والموسيقى والمكتب المنزلي. ويحتفل نظام التشغيل الذكي الآن بالذكرى السنوية العاشرة لإطلاقه، وتوسع اليوم ليشمل 300 علامة تجارية تلفزيونية و3500 من شركاء المحتوى ومنهم الشركاء المحليين، كما حقق زيادة نشطة في عدد المستخدمين بمنطقة الشرق الأوسط وإفريقيا بمقدار 20 مرة.

وعرضت "إل جي" أيضاً معالجها الجديد α (Alpha)11 الذي سيتم استخدامه في تلفزيوناتها الرائدة، وسيوفر إمكانات الذكاء الاصطناعي القوية ليعزز تجربة المشاهدة الشاملة. ويُعدّ هذا المعالج الجديد أقوى بأربع مرات من سابقه وسيعمل على تحسين الوضوح واللون والدقة، فضلاً عن تحسين أداء الرسوميات بنسبة 70% وسرعة المعالجة بنسبة 30%.

وقدّمت "إل جي" مجموعة مكبرات الصوت XBOOM التي توفر أصوات قوية وعالية مع صوت جهير واضح. على سبيل المثال، ينتج LG XBOOM XL9T، الذي يعتبر أقوى مكبر صوت للحفلات في فئته، صوتاً هائلاً بقوة 1000 واط مع نغمات جهيرة وعالية واضحة. كما يعزز فن البكسلات والأضواء الدائرية متعددة الألوان أجواء الحفلات. أما الطراز الأصغر حجماً، فهو LG XBOOM XL5S الذي يتميز بقدرة 200 واط لموسيقى الحفلات القوية، والذي يكتمل بإضاءة الحفلات الشهيرة في السلسلة. وقدمت "إل جي" من ضمن المنتجات الصوتية مكبر الصوت المحمول الخاص بها XBOOM Go XG8T الذي يمتاز بقوة 120 واط مع عمر بطارية يصل إلى 15 ساعة. ويوفر مكبر الصوت هذا قوة صوتية فائقة أثناء التنقل ويمكنه أيضاً تعزيز الصوت وإشعال أجواء الحفلة بفضل ميزة إضاءة الاستوديو الخاصة به. كما عُرض مُكبريّ LG XBOOM Go XG7Q وXG5S المدمجين بقدرة 30 واط و20 واط على التوالي، والذين يأتيان بتصميم فريد مع إضاءة محيطة مثالية لضبط الحالة المزاجية، وهما حاصلان على تصنيف IP67، مما يجعلهما الرفيق الموسيقي المثالي في الهواء الطلق.

إضافةً إلى ذلك، عرضت "إل جي" سماعات LG TONE Fit TF7 التي تركز بشكل أساسي على الراحة والصوت الغني. وتوفر هذه السماعات الراحة الفائقة لعشاق اللياقة البدنية، مما يضمن تركيزهم على التمارين دون أي تشتيت. وتتميز السماعات هذه بخطاف على شكل تنورة يوفر راحة مثالية عند الارتداء وسهولة الاستخدام عند أداء مختلف الأنشطة الخارجية. وإضافة إلى جودة الصوت الفائقة، تركز السماعات أيضاً على الصحة، حيث تعمل تقنية UVnano المدمجة في حامل السماعات على تعقيم الأذن بشكل فعال، مما يوفر تجربة استماع أكثر نظافة.

كما عرضت إل جي إلكترونيكس أيضاً جهاز العرض المحمول LG CineBeam Q بدقة 4K الذي طال انتظاره، والذي يمتاز بأناقته وصغر حجمه. ويوفر جهاز العرض الليزري القوي هذا جودة الصورة المذهلة ومجموعة من مزايا البث، بينما يتناسب تصميمه البسيط مع تصميم أي منزل.

وبرزت في الحدث شاشات "إل جي" المبتكرة مثل شاشة الألعاب LG UltraGear™ OLED الجديدة وشاشة LG MyView  الذكية. وتُعدّ أحدث مجموعة من شاشات الألعاب LG UltraGear OLED بمثابة شهادة حقيقية على التزام "إل جي" بقطاع الألعاب. وتتوفر شاشات الألعاب OLED هذه بأحجام 32 بوصة (طراز 32GS95UE) و34 بوصة (طراز 34GS95QE) و45 بوصة (طراز 45GS95QE)، وهي أبرز شاشات الألعاب المتواجدة حالياً لما توفره من تجربة غنية وأقرب إلى الواقع. وتعتبر شاشة 32GS95UE الجديدة، أول شاشة ألعاب ذات وضع مزدوج معتمدة من VESA، مما يمكنها من التبديل بين دقة 4K (3840 × 2160) حتى 240 هرتز وFull HD (1920 × 1080) حتى 480 هرتز بنقرة واحدة فقط. كما تأتي مزودة بمجموعة من المزايا الأخرى مثل تقنية Pixel Sound من "إل جي"، والتي تقوم بعرض الصوت مباشرة من الشاشة باستخدام مكونات الفيلم الاهتزازية المدمجة في الشاشة نفسها.

في الوقت نفسه، عُرضت شاشة LG MyView الذكية والتي تعتبر عنصر أساسي لتعزيز الإنتاجية والترفيه دون الحاجة إلى الاتصال بحاسوب. وتتوفر هذه الشاشات الذكية بأحجام 27 بوصة بدقة FHD و32 بوصة بدقة 4K، وهي مزودة بنظام تشغيل webOS من "إل جي" إلى جانب دعمها لتقنيات الاتصال AirPlay 2 وScreenShare وBluetooth. وصممت هذه الشاشة للقيام بمهام متعددة وستسمح لكم بالقيام بعملكم اليومي والتحكم بالأدوات المنزلية ومشاهدة المحتوى المفضل لديكم، وكل ذلك عبر شاشة واحدة. كما يتوفر طراز27SR50F  بخيارات ألوان متنوعة هي (البيج والوردي والأخضر) لتلبية مختلف الأذواق والتوافق مع أي تصميم داخلي بسهولة.1

علاوة على ذلك، كشفت "إل جي" عن شاشة LG MAGNIT (طراز LSAL006)، وهي شاشة Micro LED مذهلة مقاس 118 بوصة بدقة 4K (3840 × 2160)، تقدم جودة صورة لا مثيل لها بفضل تقنية Micro LED التي تتيح للعملاء الاستمتاع بتجربة مشاهدة غامرة في مساحاتهم الخاصة، سواء خلال الترفيه أو العمل.

للمزيد من التفاصيل حول مجموعة منتجات "إل جي"، يرجى زيارة:

نبذة عن شركة إل جي إلكترونيكس إنك

إل جي الكترونيكس إنك هي إحدى الشركات العالمية الرائدة في مجال الابتكارات التقنية والأجهزة الإلكترونية الاستهلاكية، وتتواجد الشركة في جميع دول العالم تقريباً ويعمل لديها أكثر من 75,000 موظفاً. تتألف الشركة من أربع وحدات أعمال وهي "الأجهزة المنزلية وحلول الهواء"، "الترفيه المنزلي"، " حلول مكونات السيارات" و"حلول الأعمال". وقد حققت مجتمعةً مبيعات تجاوزت قيمتها 56 مليار دولار أمريكي في عام 2020. تُعد شركة "إل جي" من الشركات الرائدة عالمياً في تصنيع المنتجات الاستهلاكية والتجارية مثل التلفازات، والأجهزة المنزلية، وحلول الهواء، والشاشات، وروبوتات الخدمة، ومكونات السيارات، بالإضافة للعلامة التجارية الراقية LG SIGNATURE والمنتجات المزودة بتقنية الذكاء الاصطناعي LG ThinQ. للمزيد من أخبار إل جي يرجى زيارة

الرابط الثابت

جهات الاتصال

إل جي ون

تسنيم فاخوري

البريد الإلكتروني

LG Electronics MEA leads with innovation in new Home Entertainment Line-up

 Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates - Thursday, 25. April 2024 AETOSWire

The new product line-up will be showcased during the LG Showcase MEA 2024 event in Abu Dhabi


LG Electronics, a global leader in consumer electronics recently hosted its LG Showcase MEA 2024 at the Conrad Hotel in Abu Dhabi. With the overarching theme “Reinventing Together,” the event focused on showcasing the latest innovations and extending relationships with its stakeholders. Hosting over 500 esteemed guests, the event offered hands-on experience with its latest products.

A key focus area during the exhibition was LG’s line-up of home entertainment products, which ranges from its televisions, audio and gaming products.

Commenting on the event, Mr. Il Hwan Lee, Chief Executive Officer, LG MEA Region said “We design each product with the goal of enhancing the daily lives of our customers. This LG Showcase MEA 2024 event is a testament to this commitment, and we are proud to exhibit our flagship products today. Each of these home entertainment products are designed with practical innovations while keeping customer use-case requirements at heart, which aligns with our goal of creating a better life by elevating everyone's entertainment experience and the interior of their homes.”

During the event, LG brought to the region its latest innovations in OLED technology; including its flagship 97-inch LG SIGNATURE OLED M, the world’s-first consumer TV with Zero Connect technology which enables the transfer of 4K video and audio, wirelessly at 120Hz. This iconic feature resolves all cable management nightmares and allows for an uncluttered space by having all devices connected to the Zero Connect Box and positioned away from the TV.

Also featured during the event is LG’s innovative StanbyME Go, the 27-inch FHD smart screen that boasts a unique carry bag design, that allows users to easily with them on-the-go. It keeps mobility in mind with its unique design and a built-in battery that lasts up to three hours of screen time. It comes with various connectivity options such as wireless mirroring and NFC, which can be activated with a simple tap. The screen itself also rotates, giving users the option of a vertical or horizontal orientation. In addition to the streaming options, screen is also ideal for listening to music with its turntable skin or for playing chess with the pre-installed Chess game. Customers can also control the unit through voice control, even from a distance. The unique design of the StanByME Go promises enhanced durability, keeping the screen safe from bumps, temperature fluctuations, low pressure, dust, salt fog and vibrations.

During the course of the event, LG also showcased its latest LG webOS which brings to the table a completely revamped home screen with wider title cards and smoother tiles for categories such as Game, Music and Home Office. The smart operating system, now celebrating its 10th anniversary, expanded into 300 TV brands and 3,500 content partners, including local partners and has an active user growth increase in the MEA region by 20 times.

LG also showcased its new α (Alpha) 11 processor that will be used in its flagship TVs, one that will deliver powerful AI capabilities and enhance the overall viewing experience. This new processor is four times more powerful than its predecessor and will refine clarity, color and sharpness, as well as providing a 70 percent improvement in graphics performance and a 30 percent faster processing speed.

LG displayed its range of XBOOM speakers which deliver bold and loud sounds with strong bass and massive sound. For instance, the LG XBOOM XL9T, the most powerful-in-class party speaker, produces immense sound of 1000W with booming base and high notes. Additionally, the pixel art and multi color ring lights further step up the party. Its smaller variant, the LG XBOOM XL5S with a 200W output for powerful party music, complete with the series’ iconic party lighting. Amongst these audio products, LG presented their portable speakers, such as the XBOOM Go XG8T, a 120W speaker with 15 hours of battery life. This on-the-go speaker not only packs a powerful punch in audio but can also boost sound further and turns up the party with its studio light feature. Also on display were the LG XBOOM Go XG7Q and the compact XG5S with a 30W output and 20W output respectively, which comes in a unique design with ambient lighting, perfect to set the mood. It is also IP67 rated, making it the perfect musical companion for the outdoors.

Additionally, LG showcased the LG TONE Fit TF7, which focuses primarily on comfort, convenience, and immersive sound. The LG TONE Fit TF7 offers a superior fit for fitness enthusiasts, ensuring customers can focus solely on their workout without any distractions. Featuring a patent-pending skirt shape hook, these earbuds offer optimized fit and usability for various outdoor activities. Apart from its superior sound quality, these earbuds are also focused on health, with the UVnano technology integrated into the earbuds' cradle actively sanitizes the ear gel surfaces, creating a more sanitary listening experience.

LG Electronics also showcased the LG CineBeam Q, the much awaited, stylish and smallest 4K portable projector from LG. This mighty 4K laser projector not only delivers stunning picture quality, but also a range of streaming features, while its minimalist design fits into any home design ethos.

This was all be topped off with LG’s innovations in monitors, with the new LG UltraGear™ OLED gaming monitor and LG MyView Smart Monitor.

The latest lineup of LG UltraGear OLED gaming monitors is a true testament to LG’s commitment to the gaming industry. Available in sizes of 32-inch (model 32GS95UE) , 34-inch (model 34GS95QE) and 45-inch (model  45GS95QE), these OLED gaming monitors are the pinnacle of gaming displays, bringing in a true immersive experience. The new 32GS95UE,the world’s first VESA certified Dual Mode gaming monitor, which enables it to switch between 4K (3840 x 2160) up to 240Hz and Full-HD (1920 x 1080) up to 480Hz with one simple click. It also comes with a range of other features such as the LG’s Pixel Sound technology, which projects sound directly from the display using vibrating film components built into the monitor itself.

Meanwhile, the LG MyView Smart Monitor, a must-have for productivity and entertainment even without having to connect to a PC, was showcased alongside. Available in sizes of 27-inches with FHD and 32-inches with 4K resolution, these smart monitors pack in LG’s webOS software along with support for AirPlay 2, ScreenShare and Bluetooth. Designed for multi-tasking, this monitor will allow you to do your daily work, control home gadgets and even stream your favorite content, all from one display. Also, the 27SR50F is available in four color options (beige, pink, green) to cater to various tastes and seamlessly blend into any interior design.1

What’s more, LG unveiled the LG MAGNIT (model LSAL006), a stunning 118-inch, 4K (3840 x 2160) resolution Micro LED display. Delivering unparalleled picture quality through the brilliance of Micro LED technology, the LG MAGNIT allows customers to enjoy complete viewing immersion in the comfort of their own spaces, be it personal or professional.

For more details about LG’s range of products please visit:


About LG Electronics, Inc.

LG Electronics is a global innovator in technology and consumer electronics with a presence in almost every country and an international workforce of more than 74,000. LG’s four companies – Home Appliance & Air Solution, Home Entertainment, Vehicle component Solutions and Business Solutions – combined for global revenue of over KRW 84 trillion in 2023. LG is a leading manufacturer of consumer and commercial products ranging from TVs, home appliances, air solutions, monitors, service robots, automotive components and its premium LG SIGNATURE and intelligent LG ThinQ brands are familiar names world over. Visit for the latest news.




Salam Faisal


الاضطرابات الجيوسياسية تؤدي إلى شن هجمات حجب خدمة موزعة (DDoS) ضارية، وفقًا لأحدث تقرير لاستخبارات التهديدات صادر عن NETSCOUT

 ويستفورد، ماساتشوستس -

تعمل جماعات القرصنة الإلكترونية على زيادة وتيرة نشاطها عالميًا، على حين ساهمت زيادة هجمات التعذيب المائي لنظام أسماء النطاقات (DNS) في شن أكثر من 7 ملايين من هجمات حجب الخدمة الموزعة (DDoS) في النصف الثاني من عام 2023



(BUSINESS WIRE)-- أصدرت اليوم شركة NETSCOUT SYSTEMS, INC.‎ (ناسداك: NTCT) نتائج من تقرير استخبارات تهديدات هجمات حجب الخدمة الموزعة (DDoS) للنصف الثاني من عام 2023، والذي يحلل اتجاهات ومنهجيات الهجوم التي يستخدمها الخصوم ضد موفري الخدمات والمؤسسات والمستخدمين النهائيين. ويجدر هنا ذكر أن المعلومات الواردة في هذا التقرير جرى جمعها بالاستعانة برؤية NETSCOUT العالمة ببواطن عالم الإنترنت المنقطعة النظير والفاعلة على نطاق عالمي، إذ تعمد إلى جمع وتحليل وتحديد الأولويات ونشر البيانات عن هجمات حجب الخدمة الموزعة (DDoS) من 214 بلدًا ومنطقة و456 صناعة رأسية وأكثر من 13,000 رقم نظام مستقل (ASNs). إضافةً إلى ذلك، رصدت NETSCOUT أكثر من 7 ملايين من هجمات حجب الخدمة الموزعة (DDoS) في النصف الثاني من عام 2023، وهو ما يمثل زيادة بنسبة 15% مقارنةً بالنصف الأول، مدفوعةً بمجموعات القرصنة الإلكترونية ذات الخبرة التقنية، والتي تحركها دوافع سياسية، وزيادة هجمات التعذيب المائي لنظام أسماء النطاقات (DNS).

القرصنة الإلكترونية زادت عشرة أضعاف

تجاوزت هجمات حجب الخدمة الموزعة (DDoS) الحدود الجغرافية في العام الماضي محدثةً تحولاً في المشهد الأمني العالمي. كما أن نسبة شن مجموعات على شاكلة NoName057(016)‎ وAnonymous Sudan، فضلاً عن القراصنة الفرادى والمجموعات الصغيرة، لهجمات حجب الخدمة الموزعة (DDoS) لاستهداف المعارضين لها أيديولوجيًا، تشهد زيادة كبيرة، على سبيل المثال:

شهدت بيرو زيادة بنسبة 30% في الهجمات المرتبطة بالاحتجاجات على إطلاق سراح الرئيس Fujimori من السجن في 6 من ديسمبر.

عانت بولندا من زيادة الهجمات في نهاية عام 2023 المرتبطة بتغيير النظام والتصريحات التي تؤكد دعم بولندا لأوكرانيا في خضم الصراع الروسي الأوكراني الدائر.

هاجمت مجموعة Anonymous Sudan منصة X (المعروفة باسم Twitter) للضغط على Elon Musk بخصوص قضية خدمة Starlink في السودان، كما هاجمت منصة Telegram لتعليق قناتها الرئيسية.

وقد أعلنت NoName057(016)‎ وAnonymous Sudan وKillnet مسؤوليتها عن هجمات حجب الخدمة الموزعة (DDoS) في أوكرانيا وروسيا وإسرائيل وفلسطين التي استهدفت البنية التحتية للاتصالات والمستشفيات والبنوك. علاوةً على ذلك، زادت الهجمات اليومية التي يشنها القراصنة أكثر من عشرة أضعاف بين النصفين الأول والثاني من عام 2023. أما NoName057(016)‎ فقد تصدرت قائمة الخصوم الذين يشنون هجمات حجب الخدمة الموزعة (DDoS) في عام 2023، إذ استهدفت 780 موقعًا إلكترونيًا في 35 بلدًا.

ارتفاع هجمات التعذيب المائي

تزايدت هجمات التعذيب المائي لنظام أسماء النطاقات (DNS) منذ نهاية عام 2019، والتي استهدفت الأنظمة الحيوية في قلب نظام التحكم في الإنترنت. كما شهدت هجمات فيضانات استعلامات نظام أسماء النطاقات (DNS) المصممة للسيطرة على خوادم نظام أسماء النطاقات (DNS) المعتمدة زيادة هائلة بنسبة 553% من النصف الأول لعام 2020 إلى النصف الثاني من عام 2023. فبدلاً من استهداف موقع إلكتروني أو خادم واحد، يستهدف الخصوم أنظمة بأكملها، مما يتسبب في مزيد من الضرر.

استهداف الألعاب الإلكترونية وألعاب الحظ

تشير نتائج NETSCOUT إلى أن الألعاب الإلكترونية وألعاب الحظ المرتبطة بعالم الألعاب هي هدف أساسي لهجمات حجب الخدمة الموزعة (DDoS). وفي هذا الصدد، تنجذب جهات التهديد إلى القيمة المالية الكبيرة للقطاع مدفوعةً بهدف تعطيل المنافسين، خصوصًا في خضم دورات الرياضات الإلكترونية على الإنترنت. فإذا نظرنا إلى الجانب التاريخي، سنجد أن 80% إلى 90% من كل هجمات حجب الخدمة الموزعة (DDoS) مرتبطة بالألعاب الإلكترونية وألعاب الحظ. ومن هذا المنطلق، قيّمت NETSCOUT الهجمات التي تُشن على المؤسسات في هذه القطاعات، وتوصلت إلى نتيجة مفادها أن أكثر من 100,000 من هجمات حجب الخدمة الموزعة (DDoS) قد تم شنها ضد العاملين في مجال الألعاب الإلكترونية، وأكثر من 20,500 من هذه الهجمات تم شنها ضد الضالعين في عالم ألعاب الحظ في عام 2023.

بالإضافة إلى ذلك، واستنادًا إلى ملاحظات NETSCOUT حول مشهد تهديدات هجمات حجب الخدمة الموزعة (DDoS)، تم إحباط ما يقرب من 1% من هجمات حجب الخدمة الموزعة (DDoS) من الشبكات الأصلية.

صرح Richard Hummel، كبير مسؤولي استخبارات التهديدات في NETSCOUT، قائلاً: "شهد العام الماضي تطورًا خطيرًا للخصوم العالميين، إذ شنوا هجمات على مواقع إلكترونية وطبقوا زيادة في الأحمال على الخوادم بغرض استبعاد العملاء وإحداث فوضى رقمية بغية التأثير على القضايا الجيوسياسية". "إن وابل تهديدات هجمات حجب الخدمة الموزعة (DDoS) المتواصل يؤدي إلى ارتفاع التكاليف المقررة ويسبب إرهاقًا أمنيًا لمشغلي الشبكات، إذ إنهم لا يمكنهم حماية أصولهم الرقمية بدون وسيلة حماية متقدمة مناسبة ضد هجمات حجب الخدمة الموزعة (DDoS)، والتي تعتمد على استخبارات التهديدات التنبؤية في الوقت الفعلي."

إن الخبرة التي اكتسبتها NETSCOUT على مدار عقود متعددة تعاونت في أثنائها مع أكبر موفري الخدمات والمؤسسات في العالم، تجعلها عالمة ببواطن أمور عالم الإنترنت العالمي، مما يؤهلها لقراءة خبايا العالم الرقمي. علاوةً على ذلك، فإن قدرتنا الفائقة على مراقبة هجمات حجب الخدمة الموزعة (DDoS) والرد عليها مدعومة بمنصة ATLAS، والتي تمكننا من تحليل مقدار مذهل يبلغ 500 تيرابايت في الثانية (Tbps) من حركة مرور الشبكة.

تفضل بزيارة موقعنا الإلكتروني التفاعلي للتعرف على مزيد من المعلومات عن تقرير استخبارات تهديدات هجمات حجب الخدمة الموزعة (DDoS) الصادر من NETSCOUT. وللاطلاع على إحصاءات هجمات حجب الخدمة الموزعة (DDoS) وخريطتها والرؤى المتعلقة بها، تفضل بزيارة NETSCOUT Cyber Threat Horizon.

نبذة عن NETSCOUT

ينصب تركيز شركة NETSCOUT SYSTEMS, INC.‎ (ناسداك: NTCT) على حماية العالم المتصل من الهجمات السيبرانية والاضطرابات على مستوى الأداء والتوفر عبر منصة الرؤية الفريدة للشركة والحلول المدعومة بتكنولوجيا الفحص العميق للحزم الرائدة على نطاق واسع. إضافةً إلى ذلك، تقدم شركة NETSCOUT خدماتها إلى أكبر المؤسسات وموفري الخدمات ومؤسسات القطاع العام في العالم. تعرّف على المزيد على أو تابع ‎@NETSCOUT على LinkedIn أو X أو Facebook.

‎©2024 NETSCOUT SYSTEMS, INC.‎ كل الحقوق محفوظة. كما أن NETSCOUT وشعار NETSCOUT وGuardians of the Connected World وVisibility Without Borders وAdaptive Service Intelligence وArbor وATLAS وCyber Threat Horizon وInfiniStream وnGenius وnGeniusONE وOmnis وTrueCall هي علامات تجارية مسجلة أو علامات تجارية لشركة NETSCOUT SYSTEMS, INC.‎ و/أو الشركات التابعة لها في الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية و/أو البلدان الأخرى، أما العلامات التجارية للجهات الخارجية المذكورة، فإنها تخص مالكيها المعنيين.

إن نص اللغة الأصلية لهذا البيان هو النسخة الرسمية المعتمدة. أما الترجمة فقد قدمت للمساعدة فقط، ويجب الرجوع لنص اللغة الأصلية الذي يمثل النسخة الوحيدة ذات التأثير القانوني.

الرابط الثابت

جهات الاتصال

لجنة التحرير:

Chris Lucas

NETSCOUT Systems, Inc.‎


Chris Shattuck

Finn Partners لشركة NETSCOUT


Bureau Veritas: Strong Start to the Year; 2024 Outlook Confirmed

 (BUSINESS WIRE) -- Q1 2024 Key figures1

› Revenue of EUR 1,439.5 million in the first quarter of 2024, up 2.5% year-on-year and up 8.0% organically
› Strong organic growth from Industry +16.3%, Certification +13.7%, Marine & Offshore +13.6%, compared to the first quarter of 2023; growth of +6.1% for Consumer Products Services, +3.6% for Buildings & Infrastructure and +3.2% for Agri-food & Commodities
› The scope effect was a positive 0.1%, reflecting bolt-on acquisitions offset by a small disposal
› The currency impact was negative by 5.6% mainly due to the depreciation of some emerging countries’ currencies against the euro

Q1 2024 Highlights

› New strategy LEAP | 28, announced on March 20, 2024, to deliver a step change in growth and performance, built around three pillars: Focused Portfolio, Performance-led execution and Evolved People model
› Strong growth in every region (Americas, Middle East, Africa, Asia-Pacific and Europe), outperforming many underlying markets
› Growth momentum maintained for sustainability services – both transition services and Green Objects - across the entire portfolio
› In line with the LEAP | 28 strategy, the Consumer Products Services business line completed the acquisition of three bolt-on companies in South and North-East Asia, expanding the Group’s portfolio into new sectors and diversifying its geographical coverage, adding an annualized revenue of c. EUR 20 million
› To execute the share buyback program announced in March at the Capital Markets Day, an acquisition of c. 0.8% of the Group’s own shares on April 5, 2024, was completed under the Wendel placement
› Assignment of the first long-term credit rating of Bureau Veritas with a A3 rating from Moody’s, with “stable” outlook, which reflects the Group’s strong financial structure and competitive advantage
› New recognition of Bureau Veritas’ CSR commitment by several non-financial rating agencies, including a first ranking in Sustainalytics. Bureau Veritas also joins the United Nations Global Compact.

2024 Outlook confirmed

Leveraging a healthy and growing sales pipeline, high customer demand for ‘new economy services’ and strong underlying market growth, Bureau Veritas expects to deliver for the full year 2024:

› Mid-to-high single-digit organic revenue growth;
› Improvement in adjusted operating margin at constant exchange rates;
› Strong cash flow, with a cash conversion2 above 90%.

The Group expects H2 organic revenue growth above H1 given stronger comparables in Q2.

Hinda Gharbi, Chief Executive Officer, commented:

“In the first quarter of the year, we launched our LEAP I 28 strategy both internally and to our investors. Our commitment to sustainable organic growth, active portfolio management through M&A and yearly margin improvement is in line with our ambition to deliver double-digit shareholder returns.

We have started our strategy execution and Bureau Veritas maintained its growth trajectory with broad organic growth of 8.0% supported by strong market trends in the first quarter of 2024.

In addition, I am pleased to announce the first long-term credit rating of Bureau Veritas. The decision by Moody’s to assign a A3 rating, with stable outlook, confirms our strong financial structure, a leading market position, and a solid business model.

Looking ahead, we confirm our outlook for 2024.”





Q1 2024

Q1 2023





Marine & Offshore







Agri-Food & Commodities














Buildings & Infrastructure














Consumer Products







Total Group revenue








Revenue in the first quarter of 2024 amounted to EUR 1,439.5 million, a 2.5% increase compared with Q1 2023. Organic growth was 8.0%, benefiting from solid underlying trends for most businesses.

This is reflected as follows by business:

› More than a third of the portfolio delivered double-digit organic revenue growth in the quarter, benefiting from increasing decarbonization trends and energy transition for Marine & Offshore, and Industry. The rising demand for Sustainability and ESG-driven services are seen in the growth momentum of Certification.
› An eighth of the portfolio delivered mid-to-high single-digit organic revenue growth (up 6.1%). The growth in the Consumer Products Services activities was led by most geographies. The business benefited from the organic growth coming from recent acquisitions as the Group executes its strategy of geography, sector, and services diversification in this market.
› Half of the portfolio including Buildings & Infrastructure and Agri-Food & Commodities achieved low single-digit organic revenue growth (up 3.6% and 3.2% respectively). The growth was driven by solid underlying trends.

By geography, activities in the Americas were strong (27% of revenue; up 8.0% organically), led by a double-digit increase in Latin America. Europe (36% of revenue; up 5.6% organically) was primarily led by high activity levels in Southern and Eastern Europe. Business in Asia-Pacific (27% of revenue; up 7.0% organically) benefited from a recovery in China, while strong growth was delivered in South-East Asian countries as well as in Australia. Finally, activity was also strong in Africa and the Middle East (10% of revenue; up 19.9% organically) primarily driven by Buildings & Infrastructure and energy projects in the Middle East.

The scope effect was a positive 0.1%, reflecting bolt-on acquisitions realized in the past few quarters offset by the impact of a small disposal which was made in the third quarter of 2023.

Currency fluctuations had a negative impact of 5.6%, mainly due to the depreciation of some emerging countries’ currencies against the euro (in Latin America essentially).


At the end of March 2024, the Group's adjusted net financial debt slightly increased, with cash and cash equivalent levels materially unchanged compared with the levels at December 31, 2023. The Group also had in place EUR 600 million of undrawn committed credit lines. Bureau Veritas has a solid financial structure with the bulk of its maturities beyond 2025 and 100% at fixed interest rates.


To execute the EUR 200 million share buyback program announced on March 20, 2024, an acquisition of c. 0.8% of the Group’s own shares, or the equivalent of c. EUR 100 million on April 5, 2024, was completed under the Wendel placement. The Group will purchase the remainder in 2024.

In accordance with the purpose of the share buyback program approved by the Annual General Meeting, the shares bought back will be used for cancellation purposes and for any other purposes authorized by the Company’s shareholders at the Annual General Meeting of June 22, 2023.


Bureau Veritas announces that it has been assigned on April 24, 2024 its first Long-Term Credit rating of A3 from Moody’s, with a “stable” outlook.

According to Moody’s, the A3 rating is primarily supported by the Group:

› Leading market position, protected by high barriers to entry, and by its well diversified business model;
› Long track record of positive organic growth through the cycle;
› Supportive long-term fundamentals of the TIC (Testing, Inspection and Certification) market;
› Conservative financial policies underpinned by large cash reserves and balanced capital allocation between Capex spending, acquisitions and shareholder distributions;
› Track record of solid free cash flow (FCF) generation and strong liquidity.

This long-term credit rating will help Bureau Veritas in further diversifying its sources of funding, enhancing access to capital markets, and managing debt maturities in line with the Group’s strategy. The full rating report is available on


In line with the LEAP | 28 strategy of active portfolio management and in order to focus the portfolio on market leadership positions, Bureau Veritas has activated an M&A program to develop a new market stronghold in Consumer Technology Testing. To that effect the Group signed definitive agreements to acquire three players to expand its position in testing and certification services for the Electrical and Electronics consumer products segment in South and North-East Asia, for a combined revenue of c. EUR 20 million in 2023.






Consumer Products Services


OneTech Corp.

EUR 12m

South Korea

March 2024

Testing and certification services for Electrical and Electronics consumer products

Kostec Co., Ltd

EUR 5m

South Korea

March 2024

Testing and certification services for Electrical and Electronics consumer products

Hi Physix Laboratory India Pvt.

EUR 3m


March 2024

Electrical and electronics products testing and certification services laboratory


For more information, the press release is available by clicking here.


› Bureau Veritas joins the United Nations Global Compact

On February 26, 2024, Bureau Veritas announced that it joined the United Nations Global Compact, the world’s largest initiative related to corporate social responsibility (CSR). With this move, the Group confirms its commitment to abiding by the Ten Principles of the voluntary initiative, which seeks to advance universal principles on human rights, labor, environment, and anti-corruption.

› Strong recognition by non-financial rating agencies

On March 7, 2024, the Group was ranked first in its category by Morningstar Sustainalytics. With a 9.1 rating, the Group ranks at the first position of the ‘Research and Consulting’ category out of 72 companies and is now classified in the “Negligible risk” category.

› Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) key indicators



Q1 2024


Q1 2023







CO2 emissions (scope 1 & 2, 1,000 tons)3










Total Accident Rate (TAR)4





Gender balance in senior leadership (EC-II)5





Number of learning hours per employee (per year)6










Proportion of employees trained to the Code of Ethics






› Khurram Majeed appointed Executive Vice- President, Commodities, Industry and Facilities, Middle East, Caspian and Africa

On April 1st, 2024, Khurram Majeed became Executive Vice-President, Commodities, Industry and Facilities, for the Middle East, Caspian and Africa. With this role, the Group aims to leverage the full potential of this growing market opportunities specific to the Middle East, Caspian and Africa region. This is a dynamic region undergoing several evolutions in natural resources, construction, and industrial spaces. This new organization will also allow Bureau Veritas to facilitate solutions scaling and resources utilization across the region.

For more information, the press release is available by clicking here.


Leveraging a healthy and growing sales pipeline, high customer demand for ‘new economy services’ and strong underlying market growth, Bureau Veritas expects to deliver for the full year 2024:

› Mid-to-high single-digit organic revenue growth;
› Improvement in adjusted operating margin at constant exchange rates;
› Strong cash flow, with a cash conversion7 above 90%.

The Group expects H2 organic revenue growth above H1 given stronger comparables in Q2.


On March 20, 2024, Bureau Veritas announced its new strategy, LEAP | 28, with the following ambitions:






High-single digit total revenue growth8



Organic: mid-to-high single digit



M&A acceleration and portfolio high-grading



Consistent adjusted operating margin improvement8



Double digit returns



Strong cash conversion9: above 90%

Over the period 2024-2028, the use of Free Cash Flow generated from the Group’s operations will be balanced between Capital Expenditure (Capex), Mergers & Acquisitions (M&A) and shareholder returns (dividend):






Around 2.5-3.0% of Group revenue



M&A acceleration



Pay-out of 65% of Adjusted Net Profit



Between 1.0x-2.0x by 2028




Q1 2024

Q1 2023












The Marine & Offshore business delivered a strong 13.6% organic revenue increase in the first quarter of 2024 with the following trends:

› A solid double-digit increase in New Construction (40% of divisional revenue), supported by a strong orderbook made of various types and sizes of vessels;
› Core In-service activity (47% of divisional revenue) posted a double-digit growth, benefiting from a combination of price increases and volume growth due to the increase in the number of classed vessels and from the ageing of the fleet. At March end, the fleet classed by Bureau Veritas comprised of 11,823 ships, representing 150.8 million of Gross Register Tonnage (GRT);
› Services (13% of divisional revenue, including Offshore) recorded a mid-single-digit growth, and were driven by good commercial development of non-class services, including consulting services around ship energy efficiency.

New orders totaled 2.8 million gross tons at the end of March 2024, up 21% from March 2023, in a stable shipping market. This brings the order book to a healthy 23.3 million gross tons at the end of the quarter, up 9.7% year on year.

Sustainability achievements

During this first quarter of 2024, Bureau Veritas has awarded the World’s first prototype certification for Solarduck's Floating Offshore Solar Solution. Throughout the certification process, Bureau Veritas meticulously evaluated the prototype against rules and standards, including guidance note NI631 on the Certification Scheme for Marine Renewable Energy Technologies. These assessments covered various aspects such as the floating structure, mooring system, stability analysis, materials, and electrical safety systems. Bureau Veritas also delivered a certificate to a valve manufacturer for pioneering hydrogen valve technology.



Q1 2024

Q1 2023












The Agri-Food & Commodities business achieved organic revenue growth of 3.2% in the first quarter of 2023, with a mixed growth dynamic of the different activities.

The Oil & Petrochemicals segment (O&P, 32% of divisional revenue) recorded once again a mid-single-digit organic growth, despite the competitive nature of this business in some geographies such as Asia. This strong performance was driven by (i) market share gains in Europe; (ii) a stronger activity level in the Middle East from trading routes shifts and new laboratories starts; (iii) a sustained growth traction from non-trade activities (Oil Condition Monitoring, bio and sustainable fuels for the marine and aviation fields). This includes a solid ramp-up of a large contract around lubrication fuels for a key player of the Automotive Industry.

The Metals & Minerals segment (M&M, 31% of divisional revenue) achieved a stable performance in the first quarter. The Upstream business (which represents two-third of M&M) faced unfavorable comparables as customers remained cautious on investments in view of the current macro conditions. The activity however benefited from a very good momentum for precious metals such as gold and from the Group’s on-site laboratories strategy, with a new win in Latin America. Trade activities performed well owing to a favorable mix and volume combination for some metals such as copper or zinc.

In Q1 2024, Agri-Food (23% of divisional revenue) grew mid-single digit on an organic basis, led by a high-single digit performance in the Agri business. Europe led the pack, growing strongly thanks to solid developments in key countries such as Italy and Portugal or along the Danube corridor. The Food business grew mid-single digit organically, benefited from a good traction in Asia and the recovery of the Australian activities. The Middle East region continued to show strong performance led by favorable prices and volumes growth as well as the ramp-up of new laboratories.

Government services (14% of the divisional revenue) delivered a slightly negative organic growth in the quarter due mainly to unfavorable comparables and temporary volume reductions from the ending of some contracts. These were partly offset by the good performance of Single Window contracts in some African countries. The pipeline of new opportunities remains solid.

Sustainability achievements

In the first quarter of 2024, Bureau Veritas delivered several sustainability services to its customers ranging from services around commodities emission fugitive, sustainable aviation fuel or traceability for wood products.



Q1 2024

Q1 2023












Industry continued to perform well in the first quarter of 2024 with an organic growth of 16.3%, with growth in most markets and geographies.

By market, Power & Utilities (12% of divisional revenue) growth was moderated by unfavorable comparables. Business declined in Latin America reflecting the decision to exit low profitable contracts (in Brazil and Chili). In Europe, the nuclear power generation segment was fueled by the ramp-up of QA/QC inspection projects in the UK while suffering from the negative impact of the end of EPR Flamanville 3 project in France.

Renewable Power Generation activities (solar, wind, hydrogen) continued to accelerate with high double-digit organic performance delivered across most geographies. This was led by the US, where the Group continued to expand its renewables power (solar/wind) business, with many small contracts wins as it benefited from early opportunities linked to the Inflation Reduction Act investments. Opportunities around hydrogen, carbon capture and storage projects are also promising. During the period, the Group signed a partnership with Inthy, a renewable energy and hydrogen producer, and the Bourgogne Franche-Comté region of France, to launch Europe's first large-scale hydrogen storage test site.

In Oil & Gas (33% of divisional revenue), the activity remained buoyant, up double-digit organically in the quarter. Both Capex and Opex services strongly increased across most geographies as they continue to benefit from the conversion of a solid sales pipeline and a healthy backlog. The activity was particularly dynamic in the US, Asia and Australia.

Industry Products Certification (17% of divisional revenue) delivered high-single-digit organic revenue growth led by price increases and growing activity for Pressure & Welding, and Electromechanical & Advanced Technologies sub-segments. Growth was strong in the Asia Pacific and Middle East regions.

Elsewhere, the Environmental Testing business (9% of divisional revenue) performed well, with the remediation works in Canada benefiting from favorable weather conditions in the first quarter.

Sustainability achievements

In the first quarter of 2024, the Group was awarded a contract to deliver integrated QA/QC services for the construction of a 493 MW El Dorado Solar facility with TriGlobal Energy in the US. The Group was also selected for the renewables equipment supervision for a Chinese energy company.



Q1 2024

Q1 2023












The Buildings & Infrastructure (B&I) business delivered an organic revenue growth of 3.6% in the first quarter, fueled by Europe, North America, Asia Pacific and by the Middle East.

During the period, the building-in service activity outperformed the construction-related activities.

The Americas region (27% of divisional revenue) delivered solid growth. Bureau Veritas US operations recorded mid-single digit organic revenue growth, benefitting from its diversified portfolio of activities. Double-digit growth was maintained for the data center commissioning business fueled by continued geographical expansion. Code compliance grew high-single-digit organically thanks to housing expansion in southern states. In Latin America, the Group delivered solid growth in both Brazil and Chile offsetting the contraction from B&I activity termination in Argentina.

Growth in Europe (51% of divisional revenue) was robust overall, up 4.9% organically. Strong growth was delivered in Italy benefiting from infrastructure spend thanks to the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (NRRP). In France, Opex services, representing three quarters of the country’s revenue, grew above the country average thanks to positive pricing and newly introduced services. The Capex-related activities grew slightly in a declining market, as it leverages its different served markets. This business is weighted more towards infrastructure and public works (including the Olympic Games 2024).

The Asia Pacific region (18% of divisional revenue) recorded a 5.1% organic revenue increase led by high growth in South and Southeastern Asian countries and Australia. In China, activity remained moderate, with solid trends in energy-related construction activity, boosted by the energy transition, but weak spending on transport infrastructure projects.

Lastly, in the Middle East & Africa region (4% of divisional revenue), the Group continued to deliver double-digit organic revenue growth led by Saudi Arabia, benefiting from the development of numerous megaprojects.

Sustainability achievements

The Group continues to provide decarbonization solutions as asset owners transition towards a building sector aligned with long term goals of the Paris Agreement in 2015. In the first quarter, in Spain, the Group was selected to carry out Energy Audits (EED) mandatory compliance on all shops for a large European retailer. The Group also performed an environmental assessment of 40 sites in France for a leading retailer, through soil pollution audits.



Q1 2024

Q1 2023












Once again, the Certification business posted a strong performance over the first quarter of 2024, recording a 13.7% growth on an organic basis. This was achieved through good volumes growth, owing to favorable market conditions, and robust price increases. All geographies grew organically, with the Americas, Middle East & Africa and Asia leading the pack.

QHSE & Specialized Schemes solutions (48% of the divisional revenue) grew high-single digit, thanks to the recertification cycle occurring this year for some standards. It supported the robust performance in QHSE solutions, especially in Europe where it recorded a high organic growth thanks to Bureau Veritas’ leading position and broad coverage. As an illustration, the Group recently signed an exclusive multi-year framework agreement with a leading beverage industry player for ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 schemes across all European operations. This agreement also covers environmental management system & food safety schemes certification. Specialized Schemes contributed strongly to the growth. Volumes benefited from strong tailwinds linked to the recertification requirements around specific schemes in the automotive industry.

Sustainability-related solutions & Digital (Cyber) certification activities (31% of divisional revenue) also grew double-digit on an organic basis, benefiting from the excellent traction around environmental and carbon services, food sustainability and increasing demand for cybersecurity assurance. In France, the public outsourcing contract with the Direction Générale de l’Alimentation providing inspection services around food safety is ramping up.

Other solutions, including Training (21% of the divisional revenue) recorded a low-single-digit revenue contraction in Q1 2024, despite the excellent performance of its Spanish operations.

Sustainability achievements

In the first quarter of 2024, Bureau Veritas was granted a key contract by a large online retailer, covering training and advisory solutions pertaining to the development of environmental procedures in 13 European countries. The scope of services to be rolled-out will encompass different themes such as air quality and GHG emissions, waste and wastewater as well as biodiversity.

In the US, the Group also delivered FSC (Forestry Stewardship Council) label certification services to ensure sustainable practices in the forest management services operated by the Maryland Department of Natural Resources.



Q1 2024

Q1 2023












The Consumer Products Services division posted a 6.1% organic revenue performance over the first quarter of 2024, with varying geographical and service trends boosted by early seasons shipments.

Asia is progressively recovering, especially in China, while the Americas (especially Latin America) and the Middle East continue to benefit from the geographical, sector and services diversification strategy.

Softlines, Hardlines & Toys (46% of divisional revenue) saw high-single digit organic growth in the first quarter of 2024, due to the end of destocking and early shipments, in response to logistics delays from the Red Sea shipping lanes disruptions.

Healthcare (including Beauty and Household) (9% of divisional revenue) delivered solid double-digit organic growth in Q1. This performance is driven by global accounts, especially for Advanced Testing Laboratory (ATL) and Galbraith Laboratories Inc. with a promising sales pipeline (both companies acquired in 2022 in the US).

Supply Chain & Sustainability services (14% of divisional revenue) recorded a very good double-digit performance accreditable to the restart of test activities and to the shipment growth.

Technology (31% of divisional revenue) saw a mid-single-digit contraction on the first quarter of 2024, affected by a global decrease in demand for electrical and mobility equipment.

The Group pursued its geographical diversification strategy to build resilience and unlock growth for the consumer Tech sub-segment in the first quarter of 2024. Realizing three acquisitions (OneTech Corp., Kostec Co. and Hi Physix Laboratory India Pvt.) to strengthen its position in the Electrical & Electronics consumer products testing in South and North-East Asia. The acquisition of ANCE, announced in February 2024, also allows Bureau Veritas to enter a new market and will serve as a springboard for expansion into North America, Mexico being one of the fastest growing exporters towards the USA.

Sustainability achievements

During the first quarter of 2024, Bureau Veritas was awarded a contract to deliver social audits for the social responsibility program expansion of a large online retailer in more than 800 additional locations across Asia. The Group also was awarded a contract to realize environmental audit and sustainable claims services for an American luxury department store chain.


› Q1 2024 revenue will be presented on Thursday, April 25, 2024, at 6:00 p.m. (Paris time)
› A video conference will be webcast live. Please connect to: Link to video conference
› The presentation slides will be available on:
› All supporting documents will be available on the website
› Live dial-in numbers:

- France: +33 (0)1 70 37 71 66
- UK: +44 (0) 33 0551 0200
- US: +1 786 697 3501
- International: +44 (0) 33 0551 0200
- Password: Bureau Veritas


› Shareholder’s Meeting: June 20, 2024
› H1 2024 Results: July 26, 2024 (pre-market)
› Q3 2024 Revenue: October 23, 2024 (post market)


Bureau Veritas is a world leader in inspection, certification, and laboratory testing services with a powerful purpose: to shape a world of trust by ensuring responsible progress. With a vision to be the preferred partner for customers’ excellence and sustainability, the company innovates to help them navigate change.
Created in 1828, Bureau Veritas’ 83,000 employees deliver services in 140 countries. The company’s technical experts support customers to address challenges in quality, health and safety, environmental protection, and sustainability.
Bureau Veritas is listed on Euronext Paris and belongs to the CAC 40 ESG, CAC Next 20, SBF 120 indices and is part of the CAC SBT 1.5° index. Compartment A, ISIN code FR 0006174348, stock symbol: BVI.
For more information, visit, and follow us on LinkedIn and X/Twitter.

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This press release (including the appendices) contains forward-looking statements, which are based on current plans and forecasts of Bureau Veritas’ management. Such forward-looking statements are by their nature subject to a number of important risk and uncertainty factors such as those described in the Universal Registration Document (“Document d’enregistrement universel”) filed by Bureau Veritas with the French Financial Markets Authority (“AMF”) that could cause actual results to differ from the plans, objectives and expectations expressed in such forward-looking statements. These forward-looking statements speak only as of the date on which they are made, and Bureau Veritas undertakes no obligation to update or revise any of them, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise, according to applicable regulations.



Q1 2024

Q1 2023





Marine & Offshore







Agri-Food & Commodities














Buildings & Infrastructure














Consumer Products







Total Group revenue








The management process used by Bureau Veritas is based on a series of alternative performance indicators, as presented below. These indicators were defined for the purposes of preparing the Group’s budgets and internal and external reporting. Bureau Veritas considers that these indicators provide additional useful information to financial statement users, enabling them to better understand the Group’s performance, especially its operating performance. Some of these indicators represent benchmarks in the testing, inspection and certification (“TIC”) business and are commonly used and tracked by the financial community. These alternative performance indicators should be seen as a complement to IFRS-compliant indicators and the resulting changes.


Total revenue growth

The total revenue growth percentage measures changes in consolidated revenue between the previous year and the current year. Total revenue growth has three components:

› organic growth;
› impact of changes in the scope of consolidation (scope effect);
› impact of changes in exchange rates (currency effect).

Organic growth

The Group internally monitors and publishes “organic” revenue growth, which it considers to be more representative of the Group’s operating performance in each of its business sectors.

The main measure used to manage and track consolidated revenue growth is like-for-like, or organic growth. Determining organic growth enables the Group to monitor trends in its business excluding the impact of currency fluctuations, which are outside of Bureau Veritas’ control, as well as scope effects, which concern new businesses or businesses that no longer form part of the business portfolio. Organic growth is used to monitor the Group’s performance internally.

Bureau Veritas considers that organic growth provides management and investors with a more comprehensive understanding of its underlying operating performance and current business trends, excluding the impact of acquisitions, divestments (outright divestments as well as the unplanned suspension of operations – in the event of international sanctions, for example) and changes in exchange rates for businesses exposed to foreign exchange volatility, which can mask underlying trends.

The Group also considers that separately presenting organic revenue generated by its businesses provides management and investors with useful information on trends in its industrial businesses, and enables a more direct comparison with other companies in its industry.

Organic revenue growth represents the percentage of revenue growth, presented at Group level and for each business, based on constant scope of consolidation and exchange rates over comparable periods:

› constant scope of consolidation: data are restated for the impact of changes in the scope of consolidation over a 12‑month period;
› constant exchange rates: data for the current year are restated using exchange rates for the previous year.

Scope effect

To establish a meaningful comparison between reporting periods, the impact of changes in the scope of consolidation is determined:

› for acquisitions carried out in the current year: by deducting from revenue for the current year revenue generated by the acquired businesses in the current year;
› for acquisitions carried out in the previous year: by deducting from revenue for the current year revenue generated by the acquired businesses in the months in the previous year in which they were not consolidated;
› for disposals and divestments carried out in the current year: by deducting from revenue for the previous year revenue generated by the disposed and divested businesses in the previous year in the months of the current year in which they were not part of the Group;
› for disposals and divestments carried out in the previous year: by deducting from revenue for the previous year revenue generated by the disposed and divested businesses in the previous year prior to their disposal/divestment.

Currency effect

The currency effect is calculated by translating revenue for the current year at the exchange rates for the previous year.

1 Alternative performance indicators are presented, defined and reconciled with IFRS in appendix 2 of this press release.
2 (Net cash generated from operating activities – lease payments + corporate tax)/adjusted operating profit.
3 Indicator calculated over 12 rolling months.
4 TAR: Total Accident Rate (number of accidents with and without lost time x 200,000/number of hours worked).
5 Proportion of women from the Executive Committee to Band II (internal grade corresponding to a management or executive management position) in the Group (number of women on a full-time equivalent basis in a leadership position/total number of full-time equivalents in leadership positions).
6 Indicator calculated over a 3-month period compared to a 12-month period for 2028 target values.
7 (Net cash generated from operating activities – lease payments + corporate tax)/adjusted operating profit
8 At constant currency.
9 (Net cash generated from operating activities – lease payments + corporate tax)/adjusted operating profit.




Laurent Brunelle
+33 (0)1 55 24 76 09

Colin Verbrugghe
+33 (0)1 55 24 77 80

Karine Ansart
+33 (0)1 55 24 76 19


Anette Rey
+ 33 (0)6 69 79 84 88